Criminal Minds is an American police procedural crime drama television series. It follows a group of criminal profilers who work for the FBI, using behavioral analysis and profiling to investigate crimes and find perpetrators. For launching the 8th season we have created this teaser that portray the serie in a stylised way. Basically it show the complexity of a criminal mind and how complicated could be to analyse it. The Spot combine CGI technique with set design shooting.

All rights reserved by FOX International Channels Italy
Roma - © Copyright 2013
Edited by Ignacio Casciotta

Creative Director: Luca Rochira
Creative Producer: Luca Potenziani
Director: Juan Pablo Kessler
Storyboard: Emanuele Marani
3D artist and Compositing: Emanuele Marani
Motion Graphic Designer: Emanuele Marani
Moch-up and Special FX: Leonardo Cruciano
Pos-production Editor: Ignacio Casciotta
Sound Designer: Carlo Burigana - carlomix

New York Festivals - Silver World Medal
Entertainment Program Promotion - Fox Crime - “Criminal Minds Season 8”

New York Festivals - BRONZE WORLD MEDAL
Production Design Promotion/Open & Ids Fox Crime – “Criminal Minds Season 8, Brain Cell's Campaign”

New York Festivals - BRONZE WORLD MEDAL
Art Direction - Promotion/Open & Ids
Fox Crime - “Criminal Minds Season 8 - Brain's Cells Spot”

Promax BDA World Awards - SILVER MEDAL
Total Package Art Direction & Design Program - on-air only - Fox Crime – “Criminal Minds season 8”

Promax BDA World Awards  - BRONZE MEDAL
Art Direction & Design: Program Promotional Campaign - Fox Crime – “Criminal Minds Season 8”

Promax BDA World Awards - BRONZE MEDAL
Entertainment Program Spot- Fox Crime – “Criminal Minds Season 8”
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